Spring Boot Login/Logout (Spring Security + MySql + Thymeleaf)

  • 4.3/5
  • 5795
  • Jul 20, 2024

Updated for: Spring Boot 3

This article is going to discuss how to implement "login/logout" and "authentication/authorization" in a "Spring Boot 3" application.

To demonstrate the functionality, a new "Spring Boot" application is created with the help of spring initializr.

In order to save/get user details (name, email or username, roles) the application is using the "MySql" database. The application also uses thymeleaf as a server-side template engine.

The idea is to create a custom "registration" and "login" flow based on "thymeleaf (html)" forms.


This application requires an existing database in MySql; this can be achieved with the help of the below-mentioned query:

CREATE SCHEMA `spring-security-form-login` ;



The "spring-boot-starter-security" combines Spring Security dependencies, and the "spring-boot-starter-web" enables "Tomcat" as a default embedded server.

Like wise, "spring-boot-starter-data-jpa" provides the "data-jpa" dependency to efficiently connect Spring applications with relational databases.

In total, the application requires the below-mentioned dependencies:



The "SecurityFilterChain" defines a filter chain that is capable of being matched against an HttpServletRequest.

As mentioned in the configuration below, the urls matching with "/user/**" are accessible by users having either the "USER" or "ADMIN" role, whereas the urls matching with "/admin/**" are only accessible by users having the "ADMIN" role.

On the other hand, urls beginning with "/registration/**" and "/login/**" are accessible by both authenticated and non-authenticated users, or accessible by all.



The "User" and "Role" are plain old models representing a Spring Security user and associated role in the application and database.


The "Role" class has a list of users, which means a user can have multiple roles, and a role can be associated with a number of users.



The "UserDto" class is a helper class to be used in "Html form to Controller communication" when a new user is registered in the system.



The "UserRepository" and "RoleRepository" are using Spring Data JPA to significantly improve the implementation of data access layers by reducing the effort to the amount that's actually needed.


The "findByName" method gets the "Role" object for the associated "role" name.



"UserService.java" and "UserServiceImpl.java" represent an intermediate service layer between data/repository and controller.


The "saveUser()" method converts "UserDto" to "User" and saves it in the database (MySql).


This "CustomUserDetailsService" is a custom implementation of "UserDetailsService" and is used by Spring to get user details from the database during a login flow.



This "LoginController" hosts "request-mappings" for "Login" and "Registration" related UI (HTML + Thymeleaf).


This "UserController" hosts a single "request-mappings" for "user-details" related UI (HTML + Thymeleaf).



The "TbConstants.java" maintains constants used throughout the application; this helps make the application code more maintainable.



This is the simple "spring boot" "main" class; all the application execution starts from here.

The only interesting thing to note is the exclusion of "SecurityAutoConfiguration.class" and "Management- WebSecurityAutoConfiguration.class". This is required to disable security auto-configuration so that we can have our own settings, like a custom login form.



The "registration.html" is a simple ".html" file with "thymeleaf" template capabilities. This page contains a server-side validation-enabled "registration" form.


By default spring security accepts login request at "/login" and credentials in the form of "username" and "password".


The "thymeleaf" template engine enables us to use "sec:authentication" tags to display security-related information in HTML.


This "application.yml" file contains "db credentials,"  "hibernate" settings, and "thread-pool" configurations.


1) Registration

Let's run the application and start testing the functionality by registering a new user at : http://localhost:8080/registration.

2) Login

Now that a new user has been successfully registered, we can use the credentials to login at: http://localhost:8080/login.

3) Details

The user is now "logged-in" to the system with "role_user" and hence URLs accessible by "role_user" can be viewed: http://localhost:8080/user/.

3) Logout

In order to log-out from the system, we can send a get call to "http://localhost:8080/logout" i.e. click on: http://localhost:8080/logout.

Source code: GitHub

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