Apache Kafka : Developing Producer & Consumer in Java
- 4.1/5
- 6424
- Jul 20, 2024
In this article we will see how to implement "Kafka Producer" and "Kafka Consumer" in plain Java project.
1) Download and Install Kafka
Download the latest Kafka release and extract it:
% wget https://dlcdn.apache.org/kafka/3.2.0/kafka_2.12-3.2.0.tgz % cd kafka_2.12-3.2.0
Run the following command in order to start ZooKeeper:
% bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
Open another terminal session and run following command in order to start Kafka:
% bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
2) Producer
2.1) Create Java Project
Run following command in order to create a "Java Projects" with "Maven":
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.cb -DartifactId=kafka-producer-java -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
2.2) Dependencies
Make sure to add required dependencies in "pom.xml" as shown below:
2.3) Kafka Producer
Here is the code for sample "Kafka Producer", we need to pass "Properties's" instance in "KafkaProducer" constructor.
Some of the "mandatory" properties includes - "bootstrap.servers", "client.id", "key.serializer" and "value.serializer".
2.4) Main
This is plain old java driver class; all the execution starts from here.
3) Consumer
3.1) Create Java Project
Run following command in order to create a "Java Projects" with "Maven":
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.cb -DartifactId=kafka-consumer-java -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false
3.2) Dependencies
Make sure to add required dependencies in "pom.xml" as shown below:
3.3) Kafka Consumer
Here is the code for sample "Kafka Consumer", we need to pass "Properties's" instance in "KafkaProducer" constructor.
Some of the "mandatory" properties includes - "bootstrap.servers, "group.id", "enable.auto.commit", "auto.commit.interval.ms", "session.timeout.ms", "key.deserializer" and "value.serializer".
3.4) Main
This is plain old java driver class; all the execution starts from here.
4) Testing
Here, we are all done with "Producer" and "Consumer" project setup, lets start both applications one bye one.
4.1) Producer Logs
Message with id: '11' sent to partition(0), offset(95) in 59 ms Message with id: '39' sent to partition(0), offset(96) in 5 ms Message with id: '1' sent to partition(0), offset(97) in 6 ms Message with id: '35' sent to partition(0), offset(98) in 5 ms Message with id: '36' sent to partition(0), offset(99) in 6 ms Message with id: '41' sent to partition(0), offset(100) in 5 ms Message with id: '8' sent to partition(0), offset(101) in 6 ms Message with id: '28' sent to partition(0), offset(102) in 4 ms Message with id: '29' sent to partition(0), offset(103) in 4 ms Message with id: '19' sent to partition(0), offset(104) in 6 ms Message with id: '28' sent to partition(0), offset(105) in 5 ms Message with id: '41' sent to partition(0), offset(106) in 6 ms
4.2) Consumer Logs
Received message for key: 11, at offset 95 Received message for key: 39, at offset 96 Received message for key: 1, at offset 97 Received message for key: 35, at offset 98 Received message for key: 36, at offset 99 Received message for key: 41, at offset 100 Received message for key: 8, at offset 101 Received message for key: 28, at offset 102 Received message for key: 29, at offset 103 Received message for key: 19, at offset 104 Received message for key: 28, at offset 105 Received message for key: 41, at offset 106