Given a directed graph in the form of an adjacency list, adj[][] and the count of vertex "v".
The task is to perform a breadth-first traversal (BFS) on this graph starting from "0".
Method 1: BFS of Graph
Initialize a queue "q" and an array "visited[]" of length "v".
Initially, add the 0-th element of the input list to the queue and keep doing the following until the queue is not empty.
1) Poll the 'top' element from the queue.
2) If the element is already visited, "continue" the loop.
3) Else, if the element is not visited already, add this to the "ans" list and mark it as visited in the "visited[]" array.
4) If the current node has any adjecent elements, add them to the queue.
The time complexity of this solution is O(v+e) and space complexity is O(v).