Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Data Structures & Algorithms

Core Java 8,11,17, Spring Framework, Spring Boot, Microservices, Design Patterns, Kafka, Elasticsearch, Data Structures & Algorithms

Java, Spring Boot & Microservices

How to Download AWS S3 Content Using AWS CLI on a Mac Machine

Implementing DDD with Hexagonal Architecture in Spring Boot

How to Implement PostgreSQL Full-Text Search with Spring Boot

Building RESTful APIs with Node.js, Express & MongoDB

Deploying Spring Boot microservices on Kubernetes Cluster

Circuit Breaker Pattern with Resilience4J in a Spring Boot Application

Declarative REST Client in Spring Boot (Spring 6 HTTP Interface)

Spring Reactive, Thymeleaf Hello World (Spring Webflux + Thymeleaf + JS/CSS)

AWS S3 integration with Spring Boot (AWS S3 + Spring Boot)

Reactive programming in Java with Project Reactor

Data Structures & Algorithms

Print numbers from a given number to 0

Print numbers from 0 to a given number

Calculate factorial of a given number

Program for printing nth Fibonacci Number

Print spelling for a given number

Calculate the Power of a Number (n^p)

Check if an integer array is sorted or not

Count ways to reach the nth stair

Program to solve "Tower of Hanoi" problem

Sum of the digits of a given number